So, I don't know whether English is forbidden in the forum, but I have no other choice to find the answers to my questions. I hope it will be tolerated.
I am going to study in Belgium next year, and I feel like I will need a car while I'm living in Belgium. I searched through a second-hand car selling website and I saw that there are cars for as cheap as €500. Is this true? Those cars are of about 200.000 km mileage and they are around 2000 model. So are they really so cheap, or are people who sell them some kind of fraud?
I don't know about Belgium but in my country, using diesel is more economic than oil. Which one is cheaper in Belgium, gas or oil? And can you please state prices for both of them?
I don't really have much information about cars. What kind of features should it consist of? Of course, for such a cheap car I don't expect a great performance, but the economy is the first thing that concerns me here. For example if a car uses up 7.0/100 km in city is that considered good?
I know that it's a pain in the butt to read all this in a foreign language. But if anyone has any information about my questions, please let me know. Also I can make my questions shorter and simpler, I can even talk to a Dutch-speaking friend of mine to translate these into your language. I just hope someone will step up to answer my questions.
Groeten, vrienden!
I am going to study in Belgium next year, and I feel like I will need a car while I'm living in Belgium. I searched through a second-hand car selling website and I saw that there are cars for as cheap as €500. Is this true? Those cars are of about 200.000 km mileage and they are around 2000 model. So are they really so cheap, or are people who sell them some kind of fraud?
I don't know about Belgium but in my country, using diesel is more economic than oil. Which one is cheaper in Belgium, gas or oil? And can you please state prices for both of them?
I don't really have much information about cars. What kind of features should it consist of? Of course, for such a cheap car I don't expect a great performance, but the economy is the first thing that concerns me here. For example if a car uses up 7.0/100 km in city is that considered good?
I know that it's a pain in the butt to read all this in a foreign language. But if anyone has any information about my questions, please let me know. Also I can make my questions shorter and simpler, I can even talk to a Dutch-speaking friend of mine to translate these into your language. I just hope someone will step up to answer my questions.
Groeten, vrienden!
