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Siata 208CS Stabilimenti Farina Spyder
alhoewel ik absoluut niet akkoord was dat deze wagen runner-up for best of show was
veel betere wagens die first in classes waren
vooral sinds deze wagen oorspronkelijk een coupe was, maar wel in period naar spyder is gebracht
Heb je't over de BAT-cars?
Die gaan even snel door de bocht als elke andere sportwagen.
De BAT11 is gebasseerd op een 8C competitizione, alleen is de auto aerodynamisch gezien veel beter dan de 8C.
It was built by TWR in the early 90's as a rolling testbed. It was lighter than the 220 & would hit 60 quicker! Top speed at Millbrook was 170 mph. One lucky engineer (Patrick Walker) used to take it home at weekends for milage accumulation. The van was built to drive in city traffic and was a very important part of the XJ220 development as they had the test track at Millbrook to do the high speed work but nothing would test the car in city traffic,and Jaguar would not like to have bad press with a 220 at the side of the road, so the van was built as a test bed for every day driving in gridlock conditions. It is basically an XJ220 with a Transit Bodyshell stuck on top of it.
‘We look after seven of the pre-production cars,’ says Don,
proudly. ‘The first two were nothing like a 220 and had scissor
doors. The third was the first one to look like a 220.’ And what’s
this? It’s a Ford Transit.
Don explains. ‘We went to TWR to buy the last engine and
some spares. “Is there anything else?” we asked. “Only the
secondhand engine in a van,” they said. I thought they meant an
engine on a pallet that happened to be in the back of a van, but
it’s a complete XJ220 under the Transit shell.
‘It was an XJ220 mule. They were going to scrap it when TWR
was liquidated but I rescued it. It looks just like a twin-wheel
Transit apart from the XJ220 wheels, and it’s road registered.’
The Transit XJ220 once did 179mph around the Millbrook test
track’s bowl, and it made an appearance at last year’s Festival of
Speed in the livery of Goodwood’s usual Transit fleet.
Leuk detail: de rommel op het dashboard is vastgelijmd.