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As coincidences go, this is a great one. 364 days after taking delivery I passed 16,090 km, which is exactly 10,000 miles. On the 365th day, yesterday, my wife made the car a little muffin and we opened the champagne the Porsche dealer sent us (birthday letter for the car included).
I don´t think I have to preach to you about this car. It is everything you could imagine it to be and it keeps on getting better all the time. Partially because it is well-used and not abused, partially because the driver also improves with it over time.
Things that have gone wrong: no issues
RMS leaks: none
Things that can bug you: sporadic vibration from rear-view mirror and a clicking noise from passenger belt mechanism when under way
Things replaced: front and rear tires, engine oil
Damage so far: one small stone chip on front screen, assorted stone chips on front of the car and especially on the underside in front of rear wheels
Things that I came to appreciate over time:
-sport button: At first I thought it was redundant, but now I think of it as the loud button. When it is off, the car can be fast on good roads or cruised at 200 km/h and your lady still doesn´t get a headache. My foot and brain got used to the dual throttle map and I don´t have a problem with it anymore.
PCCB comments: No issues, but the pedal was way up there for the first 2500 km, making toe-heeling difficult. Now it is in perfect position. The rotors have not changed at all, the pads are about half-way down. No track days, 20% highway, 10% city, 70% fast mountain roads.
MPSC comments: Wonderful on dry or wet roads, everything I could wish for in a tire. I don´t think I ever brought them up to proper temperature on a regular road, but I am maybe at 80% temperature in every drive. Naturally you have to be aware of standing water, the car lets you know with a squirm underneath you that there is more water than it can handle.
Transmission comments: The hardest part of the car to get up to working temperature. Sometimes the going on the road is too slow for it and it never heats up to allow for a good shifting action, even after two hours of driving. I am not complaining because like many other things about the GT3, it is overengineered to withstand track situations. When fully warmed up, the shifts are just marvelous and are getting slicker over time. Same can be said for the action of the clutch pedal, which has gone from super-hard to merely very hard. At high rpm and fast shifting, you have to be perfect with timing clutch and throttle, otherwise you get a big bang when
PASM comments: The system works wonderfully in what it says it should do, but you shouldn´t mistake it for something that gives the GT3 the ability to deal with bad roads. The fact is that you have to really slow down when you hit cobblestones, broken roads, heavy compressions or any type of roadwork because the car is so low and so tightly sprung. There is no point in going quickly over stuff like this because both the car and driver will suffer. Sometimes I slow down to walking speed and have a line of cars behind me, but at least I reward them with the sights and sounds of a GT3 accelerating once the bad stuff is over. PASM in sport on a smooth road is a step above, but mostly I have it off and only have the sport button on.
Steering comments: They say that having most of the load behind the rear axle makes for fishy handling in a 911. What you find as your experience grows is that there is a way to drive this car to even take advantage of it. Sure you have to recalibrate from the usual front engine, rear drive combo, but you find that with a different way of approaching corner entry speed, steering wheel angle, entry point and brake point and trail braking (i.e. everything), the feeling the car gives you is awesome. When you get a corner right, you know it right away. Although the same can be said when it is the other way around.
Engine comments: Simply stunning, if you haven´t tried it yet, you don´t know what you are missing. The noise, the power, the reactions. You can be the quickest car around using only 6500 rpm and still have another 2000 rpm to spare. One thing that has changed over time is that when the engine is fully warm at idle, it doesn´t make such a strong clicking noise (probably hydraulic tappets) as 10,000 km before. The character and performance of the engine kept changing until 9000 km, so the break-in is by no means over at 3000 km. Or 500 km, if you were to believe some of the break-in threads here and elsewhere.
On more thing about the engine: Sometimes with two people aboard or when needing to accelerate uphill, you find lacking in torque. Sure you can downshift, but it will be interesting to try what the next GT3 with possibly a 3,8 or 4,0 engine will bring in this sense.
Oil use: estimated at 0,5 liters in 10000 km. However, the manual states "up to 1,5 l every 1000 km", which is shocking. Happily, that is not my situation.
Level of other fluids: no change at all. In fact, I am still on the original screen wash fluid, probably because the best way to wash off bugs is to stop at a gas station and do it by hand.
Other thoughts: Overall, I am happy that this car met me at an age where I was mature enough not to crash it right away. Taking it gradually, learning the right lines over you favorite roads and slowly adding in more speed in every drive is the only way to go. This car is truly rewarding to drive quickly for any driver who has the capacity to listen to it and to give back to it, simply because it is so clean and uncompromised in how it performs. You learn to hate crumbled roads and plan your drives around quality tarmac because the car won´t have anything else.
Would I change anything? No. The things that I describe above that could be mistaken for faults are only the nature of it. If they were not there, the GT3 wouldn´t be what it is. I simply love it to death.
Toch even een postje waardig, gisteren voor de eerste maal de 928 met 4 dubbele webers (ipv injectie) nekeer proberen starten .... en ja zunne, ie was direct weg. Moet natuurlijk nog afgeregeld worden en de gazzecommande moet nog aangesloten worden, maar toch al nen chapeau voor mn pa alvast, dit komt helemaal goed
Zijn dat die webers die voor dat ratelende geluid zorgen?
Neeje, die webers zoude eigenlijk moeten horen zuigen, zeker bij hogere toeren... maar nu zat er maar provisoir een stukje uitlaat onder gevezen, vandaar het gebrul... we zullen ons uiterste best moeten doen om hem onder de 95DB te krijgen voor Zolder vrees ik