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03 Vehicles
Vehicles have to be approved by Gumball 3000. We are looking for the most luxurious, super and custom cars to create an impressive entry grid. However we are attempting to go completely Carbon Neutral this year. Therefore, the greener your car the better. If your vehicle doesn’t comply with this you will have to
offset your carbon emissions with the appropriate authorities and provide us with evidence. Places arelimited to just 120 cars, so we can’t guarantee availability, but the more environmentally friendly your vehicle is (bio diesel, fuel cells, hydrogen batteries and other sustainable technologies) the better the chance you will have of being selected.
05 Registration Day
All participants will be required to sign-in and all vehicles will be parked on display and have the Events’ sponsors’ decals professionally applied. All vehicles must arrive to the Event clean and unbranded or an extra charge of £10,000 (twelve thousand GB pounds) GBP will be added to the participants fee. The registration day will be followed by a party.
07 Entry Fee
The entry fee per vehicle with two (2) persons in the vehicle is £35,000 GBP (twenty-five thousand GB pounds). Additional team mates pay a standard fee of £6,000 GBP (six thousand GB pounds) per person. The entry fee for your vehicle and any additional fees for additional team mates are due and payable within dates specified by Gumball HQ.
Team Polizei begint zijn filmpjes online te gooien van een paar jaar geleden.
Only now, five years after the expiration of the last relevant European legal statutes, we can finally make public the video of our heretofore unseen battle against Spencer Bourne, a legend among both UK Porsche Club racers & the Gumball 3000's inner circle of veterans. And yes - for them - it was a race.
Those days may be over, but the story of what did occur on the Gumball between 2003 and 2007 has yet to be told.
Hah, wel tof. Dat ze eerst 5 jaar moesten wachten zodat hun overtredingen zogezegd verjaard zijn want hun video's zijn nogal bewijsmateriaal als je ze ziet vliegen.