En maar blijven proberen om weg te geraken, met een prive jet
Als je niets hebt misdaan en zoveel geld hebt om de beste advocaten naar Skopje te halen, moet je dan zo in uw broek doen. Het is wel een of andere mode ontwerper. Die zien er op tv niet altijd de stoerste uit.
Don't do the crime if you are not willing to do the time.
Police in Macedonia have re-arrested a British man over a fatal car crash during the Gumball 3000 rally
Property developer Nicholas Morley, 30, from Bowden, Cheshire was first arrested after his Porsche 911 collided with another car in Macedonia on Wednesday.
An elderly Macedonian man in the second vehicle, Vladimir Cepulyoski, died in hospital on Thursday, and his wife Margarita died yesterday.
Mr Morley was charged with endangering traffic and abandoning an accident victim and was released from custody in the southern town of Ohrid after being granted bail set at ??17,000.
His co-driver,Matthew McConville, 36, from Prestwich, Greater Manchester, was freed without charge pending further investigations.
But it has emerged that Mr Morley was stopped late on Friday night as he prepared to board a private jet at the airport of the Macedonian capital Skopje, the Associated Press reported.
A spokeswoman for the Gumball 3000 said: "Nick Morley is still in Macedonia and has been taken back into custody."
She could not say whether Mr McConville had returned to the UK, but it is understood he is free to leave Macedonia.
Ivo Kotevski, a Macedonian police spokesman, said on Thursday that the British pair left the scene after the accident.
He said border guards found them shortly afterwards in another vehicle trying to cross the border into Albania.
It is believed the two men waited at the scene until ambulance crews arrived to help the driver of the second car, before rejoining the race towards the Albanian border.
Organisers have scrapped this year's event as a mark of respect.
Maximillion Cooper, the rally's founder, said in a statement: "As a sign of respect we have decided that this year's Gumball 3000 Rally will not travel any further and will end in Bratislava.
"This is the first time anything like this has happened in nine years of travelling through over 40 countries with thousands of drivers."
The rally involves driving 3,000 miles from London to Athens and back, across Europe on roads used by the public.
It attracts celebrities and playboy millionaires, who each day drive around 500 miles before throwing extravagant parties at night.
bron : Sky news

Als je niets hebt misdaan en zoveel geld hebt om de beste advocaten naar Skopje te halen, moet je dan zo in uw broek doen. Het is wel een of andere mode ontwerper. Die zien er op tv niet altijd de stoerste uit.
Don't do the crime if you are not willing to do the time.
Police in Macedonia have re-arrested a British man over a fatal car crash during the Gumball 3000 rally
Property developer Nicholas Morley, 30, from Bowden, Cheshire was first arrested after his Porsche 911 collided with another car in Macedonia on Wednesday.
An elderly Macedonian man in the second vehicle, Vladimir Cepulyoski, died in hospital on Thursday, and his wife Margarita died yesterday.
Mr Morley was charged with endangering traffic and abandoning an accident victim and was released from custody in the southern town of Ohrid after being granted bail set at ??17,000.
His co-driver,Matthew McConville, 36, from Prestwich, Greater Manchester, was freed without charge pending further investigations.
But it has emerged that Mr Morley was stopped late on Friday night as he prepared to board a private jet at the airport of the Macedonian capital Skopje, the Associated Press reported.
A spokeswoman for the Gumball 3000 said: "Nick Morley is still in Macedonia and has been taken back into custody."
She could not say whether Mr McConville had returned to the UK, but it is understood he is free to leave Macedonia.
Ivo Kotevski, a Macedonian police spokesman, said on Thursday that the British pair left the scene after the accident.
He said border guards found them shortly afterwards in another vehicle trying to cross the border into Albania.
It is believed the two men waited at the scene until ambulance crews arrived to help the driver of the second car, before rejoining the race towards the Albanian border.
Organisers have scrapped this year's event as a mark of respect.
Maximillion Cooper, the rally's founder, said in a statement: "As a sign of respect we have decided that this year's Gumball 3000 Rally will not travel any further and will end in Bratislava.
"This is the first time anything like this has happened in nine years of travelling through over 40 countries with thousands of drivers."
The rally involves driving 3,000 miles from London to Athens and back, across Europe on roads used by the public.
It attracts celebrities and playboy millionaires, who each day drive around 500 miles before throwing extravagant parties at night.
bron : Sky news