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The fourth part of the teaser series brings the track to life
Darmstadt, September 14th 2006 – Developer Simbin Development Team and Publisher 10TACLE STUDIOS AG present racing fans their newest track teaser to help sweeten the wait for their racing game highlight “GTR2 - FIA GT Racing Game”. This time a Nissan 350Z from the RJN Motorsport team goes up against some hardline competition as it tries to roll up the field from behind. The The usual wide selection of viewing angles gives a perfect view of the risky drafting and passing manoeuvres. Yet it would be a crime not to admire Valencia’s beautifully detailed GT track in the excitement. How does the race end? Check out the teaser available for download at
„GTR 2 – FIA GT Racing Game“ is the official simulation of the FIA GT Racing Series. More than 140 highly-detailed race cars, a choice of 34 different track designs, breathtaking graphics and outstanding physics provide incredible variety in the race for the championship.
GTR 2 will be revving up PCs everywhere on September 28th 2006.
To get to the Valencia track, just follow this LINK